Brett Wargo



  • Coach, Ascend Gymnastics (2022 USA Gymnastics National Program of the Year)
  • USA National Team Coach
  • Co-Founder, Best Darn Gymnastics
  • Tumbl Trak R/D Ambassador
Brett's Innovations
Mountain Bar System
Mountain Bar System
Hear the story behind the Mountain Bar System
Porcupine Bar Pad
Porcupine Bar Pad
Brett's Top Picks
Brett In Action
Essential Bar Shapes
In this one-hour live presentation, Brett shares his tried and true bars shaping, conditioning and mechanics techniques.
Brett's Story

Thinker. Tinkerer. Do-er. Parody composer.

These attributes make Brett the ideal Research and Development (R/D) Ambassador for Tumbl Trak. When we started working he was coaching locally in Michigan, USA where we witnessed his eager willingness to help, and profound interest in improving the process for his athletes. The process. It's all about the process.

Creating the Best Darn Gymnastics he can.

For Brett, Improving the process is not just about creative drills, acute mechanics or supportive human connections - his brain works In a way that he takes things one (or two) steps further.

Take the Porcupine Pad. Realising his athletes were not hitting the shapes needed for front giants, his tinkering brain thought of a way to make it better for athletes. It took several tries with lots of imploding broom prototypes to come up with the final Porcupine Pad. This product has created a safe, tactile experience for athletes learning tap swings, front and back giants.

When simple angular mats were coming up short [time and energy of building stations] In bar shaping, first he took to pen and paper - sketching the concepts - then hammer and nail, literally. The 220kg behemoth original design was a great way to test the intial concept but we know your back will thank us for the many redesigns that brought us to the final, compact, efficient Mountain Bar System.

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