For Tumbl Trak Bars Only.
If you need a replacement wooden bar assembly for a Tumbl Trak Jr. Bar Pro, Jr. Kip Bar or 5-in-1 Bar System, this is the one for you.
If you need replacement knobs or hardware check out the Replacement Bar Parts.
Conveniently order a replacement bar assembly for your Jr. Kip Bar, Jr. Bar Pro and 5-in-1 Bar here! Please note that this assembly is intended for Tumbl Trak bars only and may not work with other brands.
For Tumbl Trak Bars Only.
If you need a replacement wooden bar assembly for a Tumbl Trak Jr. Bar Pro, Jr. Kip Bar or 5-in-1 Bar System, this is the one for you.
If you need replacement knobs or hardware check out the Replacement Bar Parts.
For those who know us best
Big skill fun- start early and often to get the desired shape for the shoot over- so the mechanics become automatic when you go to the bar.
Compression- quick hip rotation- this station has both and can be started early to teach the body how to stalder.
Blind change body shape- how to help them understand the importance of a tight core and correct head position all on the ground.
A FUN and easy station to get athletes to lean over the bar when casting.
Pressure on the bar in the back swing- how about starting on the low bar- easy fun side station for all ages.
Kip timing is so important, this drill puts it all together- toes to the bar, hollow chest, shifting to the top, and feet in front- great side station.