Shoot Through Cut Back on Fitness Wheel
Class full of kids and no bars- grap a fitness wheel and start the shoot through- fun, safe and teaches all the right things.
Shoulder Blocking Drill for Vault
How far can you go? Use the Tumbl Tape to increase speed, and efficiency of the block for vault.
Shoulder Lean to Planche
Lean and open- two very important shoulder actions on bars- this set up helps with both.
Side Handstand Body Shaping Drill
Verticle in a side handstand on beam can be scary for young athletes but this solo station makes it not only possible but fun.
This drill helps the cheerleader to push through the feet when learning the backhandspring.
Skill Connection for Beginners
Jump back drills are great to establish what a skill connection feels like in this safe and fun set up.
Snap Back
Using the Folding Incline to teach the hip lift in the back handspring is a fun and easy side station.
Snap Quarter Turns
1/4 turns teach the athlete the heel snap required to do skills, adding a the TumblTape and numbers help the athlete understand what the expectations are immediately.